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Re: [epf-dev] Thinking about the next North American Face-to-face

I'd like to attend as well ... I have the same flight budget constraints than Mark ... the sooner we have a date... better are the rates


Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

I'd like to attend. My preference for location is driven by flight cost, which favours the following destinations
New York
Los angeles
Las Vegas

Vegas sounds good to me :-)

A decision on any of these places by dec 10 will mean I can book a cheap flight for the Feb meeting.

Mark Dickson
SE&I Practice
0780 1917480
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott W. Ambler" [swa@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 12/06/2006 07:21 PM
To: "Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [epf-dev] Thinking about the next North American Face-to-face

I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but if you get a map of the
world and fold it the right way you'll see that Hawaii is pretty much in
the center of where all of us live.  So.....  seeing as it's conveniently
in the middle, it only seems fair to me that we hold the next meeting on a
luxury Hawaii cruise.  Then again, to save money, perhaps we should
consider downgrading to just doing it at a Hawaii resort.

- Scott

On Wed, December 6, 2006 12:20 pm, Steve Adolph said:
I'm in.

First week of February is good for me. I would appreciate if we can decide
on this soon because my annual Big White ski trip is usually the second
of February.hmm there is a thought, Big White has excellent skiing, we can
rent a great house with a hot tub..of course you have to put up with -20
but awesome snow. Ok, not all of you are skiers..then I strongly suggest a
warm sunny place with a good airport, simply it would be nice to wrap a
couple of days of fun in the sun with my sweetie around this F2F if I can.
If we are going to use a hotel rather than a specific vendor office then
that gives us wider choice. One alternative to consider is Phoenix..well
connected airport, lots of Sun.I don't play much golf (well I hit little
white dimpled spheres with clubs but I certainly don't play golf).just a
thought. I definitely prefer a SoCal meeting.

Best regards,



From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Brian Lyons
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 8:56 AM
To: Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Subject: [epf-dev] Thinking about the next North American Face-to-face


At the last North American face-to-face, we suggested that the next one
would be in February in should be somewhere warmer.  There was unanimous
consent on the warmer issue as that last one was in Chicago.

From the people on the status call, the week of February 5 seemed
appropriate.  Southern California came up as a reasonable location.
Unfortunately we are never able to use an IBM site and get Internet
so we might have to be in a hotel meeting room (like we did in Cupertino

Who is planning to attend?  And does that timeframe work?  And do you have
another (warm) location to propose?

                                                  ------------ b

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