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Re: [epf-dev] How to access the OpenUP Wiki

I just spent an hour with the Wiki and I have a really good impression using it.  I worked very intuitively and I was able to very quickly add comments, modify and create pages.  I added new check items to a checklist in the html view by adding special div tags that made our scripts recognize collapsible sections.  This worked very well and efficient although the HTML editor view is too plain and needs more features.  I created a new page and submitted comments. The review features that show me which pages have changed as well as all the submitted comments seem be really all we need for harvesting plus the ability to compare any version against any other version of a page.  Firefox still not seem to work well with the rich text editor, but using internet explorer it worked much better (IE Tab for Firefox also did not always work, e.g. opening the Link Properties did not work).  Here a list of some minor issues I found as well as the questions and feedback:  
  • Select and replace in RTEs does not work
  • Editing a checklist page in Firefox brings up an empty page, i.e. it does not retrieve the existing html, but seems to create a fresh new page. Work fine with IE.
  • Editor does not show collapsible sections (e.g. check lists): Adding text might place it in the wrong collapsible section.  However can be worked around in html view. Was able to successfully add sections by using DIVs and our classes.
  • Cancelling a Save Local in editor throws a script error.
  • How do I enter <tab>s in the html editor? How do I indent the html?
  • How do I get back from html mode to RTE mode? Pressing HTML button again did not do anything.  Any way to preview your html without checking in?
  • Compare with previous version does not show pure html changes
  • What does Version column mean in the User List: It does not increase count for creating new versions of existing pages, only new versions on new pages.
  • How can I create links to other pages (not html view) by selecting them? Open/Save dialog in Link Properties did not display anything.  Would have expected it lists all the html pages of the site in the published folder structure. Pasting a link worked fine.
  • What is the strategy around new pages: where will they be stored and presented to the rest of the users?
  • Loading of pages often does not retrieve the latest version, but an old version from the browser cache
  • Sometimes when you click on a link in the hovering tool bar (e.g. show history), it does not open the (history) page in a new window, but inside (!) the tool bar

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
Rational Method Composer | Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software | IBM Software Group
Tel.: +1 408 863-8716

Peter Haumer/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/03/2006 12:59

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Re: [epf-dev] How to access the OpenUP Wiki


This is just a quick reminder for the meeting next Monday and the preparation we hope you put into it.  

I saw that quite a few new users have signed up to the Wiki, which is excellent, but we are hoping to see a few more names listed there.  Also we would like to encourage you to start the discussion about it already on this email list.  In other words, if you already have feedback, please post it to epf-dev.  We are hoping that such a discussion will make more people curious and try it out.

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
Rational Method Composer | Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software | IBM Software Group
Tel.: +1 408 863-8716

Peter Haumer/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/27/2006 18:14

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[epf-dev] How to access the OpenUP Wiki


Thanks to everyone joining the conference call today and especially thank you Onno for walking us through the Wiki capabilities and setting up the server.

For everyone else: The Wiki server is now available for you to 'play and learn'.  Find below the links to the recordings of today's training session on how to use it as well as the overview presentation from the 13th.  You can directly access the Wiki at this address: using MS Internet Explorer.  (The 'good' browser is not supported, yet.) You need to sign-up for an account.  You will receive an email with a link to confirm the account creation and then you are ready to go.  Go to this page to find additional instructions if you need more details after reviewing the raindance recording.  Feel free to 'mess around' as much as you want in the current Wiki as the current stage is for playing and learning only.  We will upload a fresh new version when the experiment starts.

We would like to propose the following plan on how to proceed:
  • EPF Committer and contributor familiarize themselves with the Wiki technology by signing up and playing until the end of next week.
  • We schedule a call in which people discuss their experience with the technology and ask questions (to Onno :-).
  • In the same call we define a process on how to use the Wiki with the public, how to harvest feedback, assign responsibilities (e.g. discipline owners harvest from their disciplines), when and how generate Bugzilla's, when to upload new versions of OpenUP to the Wiki, etc.
  • We write up an introduction page for the public wiki experiment explaining the scope and communicating the usage model to be posted in the Wiki as well as EPF homepage.
  • We clean-up the Wiki, upload the latest OpenUP version, and announce the Wiki experiment to the public

Let me know what you think about this plan.  I suggest to do the mentioned follow-up meeting on

      Monday, August 7th, 8am PT, 11am ET, 4pm UK, 5pm Europe

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Click on "Join Unscheduled Meeting" on the left
Enter your details and the following conference ID: 2816556. Select the "Full Version" radio button, click "Join now"
Raindance will check your system and might prompt you to install a few files.  It will then bring up the conference tool.
Dial the following phone number: USA 800-528-2856, International: 770-325-4737
When asked, enter the same conference ID on the phone as well: 2816556


Access the recording of Today's Training Session:

Title: 0727-Wiki_Training_Session
Date: 07/27/2006
Start Time: 07:55 AM US/Pacific
Duration: 57 minutes
Presenter: (not provided)


Onno teaching us how to set-up the Wiki, upload OpenUP, review changes and comments, harvest the changes, and upload a new version of OpenUP.


Click here to access this recorded conference or copy and paste this link into your browser:


If you have any issues accessing this recorded conference, please contact technical support at: 1.888.966.8686 or online at


Access the recording of the Overview Presentation:

Title: 0713-LogicaCMG_Wikis_and_EPF
Date: 07/13/2006
Start Time: 07:29 AM US/Pacific
Duration: 61 minutes
Presenter: (not provided)


Onno van der Straaten presents Wiki technology developed by Logica CMG that they use with EPF Composer published content.


Click here to access this recorded conference or copy and paste this link into your browser:


If you have any issues accessing this recorded conference, please contact technical support at: 1.888.966.8686 or online at

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
Rational Method Composer | Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software | IBM Software Group
Tel.: +1 408 863-8716
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