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Re: [epf-dev] Proposed name change for Project Management elements

What we name the role should be based on the scope of responsibility.

A subproject of a large project probably needs a development lead who only performs a subset of management responsibilites.
Some things that may not be done by the development lead are:
- scope management
- decisions on processes
- decisions on staffing
- etc.
The development lead's main responsibilities are planning and reporting status.

This is different from a small project that is standalone.
In this case, the "manager" has the same scope of responsibilities of a large project manager.

I believe a good solution is to preserve the current name of project manager for the small project, but as part of scaling up OpenUP to deal with subprojects, we add this specialized role Development Lead or perhaps Subproject Lead or Component Lead.

Bruce MacIsaac
Manager - RUP/OpenUP Content
phone: (408)863-8718

Donald Firesmith <dgf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/25/2006 12:30 PM

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [epf-dev] Proposed name change for Project Management elements

There are other reasons for the name change.  Projects can be rolled
together into Programs of related projects (e.g., product lines).  You
may not want to be too restrictive.
On the other hand, development lead may be confused with technical
leader, when you seem to be more oriented for an administrative
manager.  Also, why lead rather than leader?
Don Firesmith

Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi all
> Following on from the discussions at the Reading F2F, I would like to
> suggest that we change the names of the PM elements to reflect the small
> team nature of OpenUP/Basic.
> OpenUP/Basic Name Proposed Change
> ====================================
> Project Manager   Development Lead
> Project Plan            Development Plan
> The premise is that the scope of Open/UP basic small, so really represents
> the development effort inside a larger project management framework. This
> suggests that our PM role isn't really a Big-Boss Project Manager but more
> of a development team leader. Similarly, the OpenUP/Basic Project Plan is
> also going to be pretty narrowly scoped,  so is possibly more of a
> Development Plan (covering the software development effort) rather than a
> full-blow project plan.
> This approach leaves the door open to creating a Project Management plug-in
> for OpenUP in the future whilst reflecting the lightweight nature and
> development focus of OpenUP/Basic for the initial release.
> cheers
> Mark
> Mark Dickson
> Principal Solution Architect
> SAE Practice
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