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[epf-dev] Architecture Package Bugzilla assignments

Hi all

I have the attached an rtf document summarising the bugzillas assigned /
not assigned.

Thankyou to Jim, Ana, Chris for agreeing to author some content. Can I
please ask you a big favour? I need a rough idea from you on when you think
you will be able to submit draft content for review, so I can track &
manage status. Can you send me some target dates please?

When you submit your material, bugzilla will alert me and I'll review the
material with you prior to incorporating it into the build. This way, we
hope to be able to keep the package content consistent. If you're not
already, please make sure that you are familiar with the authoring
contributor guidelines for Eclipse and EPF authoring. Check the FAQ'a etc
etc and get in touch if you need any help.

We should be having an audio call next week to discuss progress and I hope
you'll be able to make it. I'll post to the group and there'll be an entry
on the team Yahoo calendar
 when we've decided on a date.

If you haven't done so yet, you'll need to make sure you have a bugzilla
account. You should also register for the Yahoo group for EPF to get access
to the calendar.

For general info, I'm told by Bruce Macisaac the content from the RUP for
Small Projects configuration is officially part of the IBM donation to EPF,
so is available for copying/modification into OpenUP if we wish to use it.
I may be looking at seeding the Architecture content with some of this over
the next week or so if I have time, so it might help plug some gaps.
Naturally, we are free to modify (or drop) any of this content if we feel
we can improve on it.

We have a few bugs left unassigned, so there's still opportunity for others
to get involved here.

Cheers all

(See attached file: Bugzillas070606.rtf)

Mark Dickson
SAE Practice
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Attachment: Bugzillas070606.rtf
Description: RTF file

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