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Re: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as itstands ?

Hi all,

Since this is my first post to this team, I'll take the liberty of asking some fundamental questions :)

This whole "architectural mechanisms" thread seems to be missing a couple of things: a) A definition of "architecture", b) A definition of "mechanism", c) A definition of "service". Having been around the block a few times, I know how important it is to define semantics, and I think it's all-too-easy to make assumptions when someone uses one of these terms. Let alone use them together :) Just a suggestion that maybe this initiative should develop a Glossary of terms if it doesn't already exist. And since I'm a newbie - if a glossary exists - please point me to it - and apologies :)

For example, what's the difference between a "service" and an "architectural service"? What makes it "architectural"? In order to define that, you need to define what is meant by "architecture" and presumably those characteristics that make something "architectural". The phrase "architecturally-significant" has been used in the past.

I've also observed (and I only joined the mail list last week) that there is also a discussion of "analysis" and what this means. I copied my thoughts (privately) to some of this team, but wanted to share them more widely, with a view to moving things forward. Attached are some thoughts where I've highlighted those things that might be worth reading (the content is part of a book I'm in the process of putting together so forgive some of the missing references).

In summary, I think that a) an "architectural mechanism/service" is just one type of reusable asset that an architect will concern themselves with and b) the term "analysis" is overloaded in the industry and needs to be used with caution!



Peter Eeles, MBCS CITP
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04/05/2006 22:31

<chris.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List'" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Peter Eeles/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Re: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as itstands        ?

"Architectural service"
I like that term and it seems to fit the concept well.
Any other thoughts?
Mark Dickson
SE&E Practice
0780 1917480

  ----- Original Message -----
"Chris Armstrong" [chris.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
04/05/2006 18:42
<shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List'" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Mark Dickson
RE: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as itstands ?

Sorry for jumping into this late (I was on vacation last week), but my two bits...
- I have traditionally used the term "architectural mechanism" and the three levels of abstraction (analysis, design, implementation) and it's worked pretty well. However, while at the end of the explanation, people seem to get the idea pretty well, they really had no idea at the beginning what I was trying to get to (just by the name). More recently I've been using the term "architectural service" instead.
- Here's my definition of "architectural service": "A capability provided by the architecture to enable applications to function within a technology platform." Another way to put it, "things the architecture does, that all by themselves aren't useful, but without them the application couldn't function".
- The definition of analysis mechanism in OpenUP is really a definition of a pattern (a la Alexander), which is odd as it says it "an analysis mechanism is a pattern that constitutes a common solution to a common problem" which really means "an analysis mechanism is a pattern that is a pattern..."
- I have found using a three- or four-level state model useful for work products that are incrementally refined. For example:
  - Identified: architectural services identified by name -- this would be similar to the notion of "analysis mechanism"
  - Described: architectural services mapped to analysis classes with qualitative and quantitative attributes
  - Outlined: approach to implementing architectural services described -- this would be similar to the notion of "design mechansim"
  - Detailed: architectural services implemented in context of the technical platform -- this would be similar to the notion of "implementation mechanism"
From this, one can come up with simple task names such as "identify architectural services", "describe architectural services", "outline architectural services", and "detail architectural services"...
Chris ~:|

From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sigurd Hopen
Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:32 AM
Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx; 'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List'
RE: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as itstands ?

Mark, I’d agree that this paper is a good one to plant the concept,but as the title suggests , its more on Architectural Requirements (i.e. those which leads to the needs of creating Arch. Mechanisms). It would be good if we had Pete’s paper AND a concept on Architectural Mechanisms that describes the mechanisms and their evolution from analyzing those req’s Pete talk about, through the “conceptual – concrete – actual” stages. So yes, I think we need two CONCEPTs as you say, but I’d favor these to be CONCEPT: Capturing Architectural Requirements, and CONCEPT: Architectural Mechanisms including all stages of developing the mechanisms (the existing Analysis Mechanisms concept talks mainly about characteristics of sample Mechanisms, and the two-liner Design and Implementation Mechanisms paper in OpenUP is pretty useless IMHO).
Greetings Pete !  Hope you’re well ?  Did anything become of the rework of the architecture course?  Anything we could harvest in epf round arch. mechanisms ?
/Sigurd Hopen
2-Pro Mentor, Norway
+47 90689131

From: Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx]
27 April 2006 01:55
shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
RE: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as it stands ?

I've reviewed the sections you refer to (STEP - Identify Analysis Mechanisms; CONCEPT - Analysis Mechanisms) and I am pretty sure you're right.
I think that the concept should be "Architecture Mechanisms." Calling them "Analysis Mechanisms" etc is too confusing.
I mentioned a useful paper by Peter Eeles in my last note. You can read it here It explains that anaysis, design and implementation mechanisms are representations of Architecture Mechanisms.
I agree that we should rename the sections;
STEP - Identify *Architecture* Mechansisms
CONCEPT - *Architecture* Mechanisms
CONCEPT - *Designing and Implementing Architecture Mechanisms* (was Design and Implementation Mechanisms")
We will also need to reword the associated text.
The Task for looking at Architecture Mechanisms at Design and Implementation level is very different from old RUP, where there was an Activity (= EPF TASK) called "Identify Design Mechanisms." In OpenUP, it looks like the Task is "Refine the Architecture" and the step is "Define strategies for achieving quality requirements." There's no text there yet, so I can't be sure. It's also possible that mechanisms might be considered as part of the step "Identify common solutions across requirements." I think these Step names are good enough, unless someone *really* wants to change them too...
We'll give this a little more airtime and then I propose we raise a bugzilla to cover this. I don't mind it being assigned to me for now but Sigurd (or anyone else) is welcome to write any of the text changes. I think it's ok to raise a new bugzilla to cover this group of changes, as it represents a nicely related bundle of things.
I'd also like to talk to Peter Eeles about the possibility of including his article as the basis for a Guideline in OpenUP on this topic. What do you think about that? I've cc'd Peter on this note.

Mark Dickson
SAE Practice
m 0780 1917480
-----epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: -----
To: "'Peter Haumer'" <phaumer@xxxxxxxxxx>, "'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List'" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Sigurd Hopen" <shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 04/26/2006 11:58PM
cc: 'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List' <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as it stands ?

Ø        The attributes Sigurd lists are not the mechanism, but an aid for the design decision rationale to find the right platform
Ø        specific architectural mechanisms (or patterns), which are quite different patterns than the analysis patterns.  

This is indeed part of the confusion, because RUP ? and now OpenUP ? fails to describe this accurately. The extract is from a Concept page in RUP/OpenUP and it says ?Here is some sample Analysis Mechanisms, and then it lists 4-5 examples (of which Persistence is one), and for each list the attributes. The classic example used in ratl training courses to describe this RUP concept is
            Persistence is an Analysis Mechanism ? described by adding value ranges to the typical attribs such as volume, granularity of stored objects, expected frequency of read/update/delete etc.
            Persistence using relational db  is a Design Mechanism, here?s where you describe some techniques mapping the object model to relational tables, and define the services (interface) the mechanism offers (enables as Peter says to encapsulate complex behavior and results in higher abstractions in the UCRs)
            RDB Persistence using JDBC is an Implementation Mechanism describing how to access the Java sql library to implement the db support
I?m not questioning the usefulness of architectural mechanisms (although I agree that the name itself is a bit abstract) ? nor that we can benefit from talking about them at different levels of abstraction, but I?m questioning the overly complex presentation of the concept where we try to define these as three-four different things. To me, this is clearly one concept (Analysis PATTERN is orthogonal to this, and can be used anytime we want to describe PI collaborations of any sort); how are we going to be sure that our system meets the arch. significant requirements of db storage. We evolve the mechanism through Analysis | Design | Implementation states as we learn more about the problem and about the platform specific constraints.
I think a fix would at least require the rename of the STEP (sorry Ricardo) and probably the description to go with it, to something along the lines of ?Identify and describe architectural mechanisms? and a rename to the Concept page named Analysis Mechanisms to become something along the lines of ?Significant Architectural Requirements?, and describe how the identification of these are important inputs to the definition of Architectural Mechanisms.
/Sigurd Hopen
2-ProMentor , Norway
+47 90689131

From: Peter Haumer [mailto:phaumer@xxxxxxxxxx]
26 April 2006 23:39
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List; epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx; shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as it stands ?


I agree that the term mechanism is not used very much.  However, I have used Analysis Mechanisms quite extensively in consulting engagements.  They really help the modelers to focus on the essence of the use case realization and not to get lost in modeling behavior that the analysis mechanisms abstracts from (e.g. not to care about 'open file' messages for persistence, etc.).  They can either be kept abstract or concrete platform independent patterns can be created for them if necessary.  

The attributes Sigurd lists are not the mechanism, but an aid for the design decision rationale to find the right platform specific architectural mechanisms (or patterns), which are quite different patterns than the analysis patterns.  

IF BUP includes Analysis then I think they are an essential tool, but BUP does not deal with analysis, correct? Then I think we should just focus on architectural style and patterns.

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


Rational Software | IBM Software Group
PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
RUP Development, Cupertino , CA
Tel/Fax: +1 408 863-8716

"Scott W. Ambler" <swa@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/26/2006 07:14

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List < epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx >

shopen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , "Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List" < epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx >
Re: [epf-dev] Architectural mechanisms - a bit confusing as it         stands ?



On Wed, April 26, 2006 7:03 am, Sigurd Hopen said:
> The above can hardly be characterized as a mechanism - can it ??   It is a
> description of important attributes to consider for the Architectural
> Mechanism called Persistence.
> So, what do you all think ?  Possible to reposition this without rocking
> the
> boat ?

I'd rather rock the boat a bit.  ;-)

I found the discussion of "architecture mechanisms" a bit abstract.  I
frankly can't recall anyone using the term "mechanisms" in practice,
although to describe the things that Sigurd has discussed "architectural
concerns" or less frequently "architectural issues".

If we want OpenUP to be attractive to developers then we need to use terms
which people are familiar with, IMHO.

- Scott

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