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RE: [epf-dev] [EPF::BUP] SIGs Conference Calls



Yipes, Kurt is right.  I meant for the Change Management meeting to be Monday, February 27.


                                           ------------ b

From: Kurt Sand [mailto:Kurt.Sand@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:19 AM
To: Brian Lyons
Subject: FW: [epf-dev] [EPF::BUP] SIGs Conference Calls


Hi Brian,


In your schedule below….did you mean for this meeting:


Thursday, February 23, 1pm-2pm PST: Change Management


To be:


Monday, February 27, 1pm-2pm PST: Change Management?





From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Brian Lyons
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:17 AM
To: epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Eclipse Process Framework Project
Subject: [epf-dev] [EPF::BUP] SIGs Conference Calls




As stated in the Development Plan discussed at the initial committers meeting (described here: one of the goals for the next milestone of 3/1/2006 is “Agree on structure of BUP, agree on how to structure of BUP into work units, principles and resources to evolve each unit”. 


During a conference call on February 1, the group agreed that the current content donated by IBM to the Eclipse Foundation had the right disciplines and phases.  There was a concern that Model Driven Development should be moved out of the minimal process to a plug-in.  It was observed that the current content does not appropriately cover the core principle of collaboration.  The relevant meeting minutes are here:, and the vision for the BUP component that references collaboration as a core principle is here:


In the last Basic Unified Process component conference call on February 8, 2006, we discussed breaking up into special interest groups to work on the process content.  This was deemed to be the best way to tackle collaborating on the diverse subject matter of the whole process.  We decided to break the process up by discipline, then have a special interest group for overarching issues such as the discussion of the phases and other broad guidance, plus another special interest group for Model Driven Development that would be broken out of the minimal basic process as its own plug-in.  Relevant meeting minutes are here:


Various participants already on the road to becoming committers proclaimed their interest in various parts of the process:

We discussed participation in the various SIGS.  The results are as below:

-          Requirements: Number Six, Telelogic, UBC, IBM

-          Architecture: Number Six, IBM, ESI

-          Development: Number Six, IBM

-          Test: Number Six, IBM

-          Project Management: Number Six, IBM, 2ProMentor, Covansys

-          Change Management: Number Six, IBM, Telelogic

-          Overarching: IBM, Number Six, UBC, 2ProMentor, Telelogic

-          Model-Driven Development: IBM, ESI

CapGemini and BearingPoint will also be committers, but they did not have representation on the call.


If you are on track to become an official committer and are not listed above, please let me know.  If you are a committer and you would like to extend your interest into more areas, please let me know; we would love to have as much representation from the community as possible.


In the next week we will have a set of conference calls to discuss each process area to get a leg up on the goal for the subsequent milestone of “Freeze structural information for BUP”.  We need to start discussing what we have and what we feel we need to have as soon as possible.


If you would like to be a contributor, but you will not be at a level of contributor, you are welcome to participate in the calls.  You can download the process content here:  We would like everyone participating in the calls to be fully educated in the relevant area.


Here is the plan for the upcoming conference calls:

-          Wednesday, February 22, 8am-10am PST: Architecture and Development

-          Thursday, February 23, 11am-noon PST: Test

-          Thursday, February 23, 1pm-2pm PST: Requirements Thursday, February 23, 1pm-2pm PST: Change Management


-          Monday February 27, 8am-10am PST: Project Management and Overarching Issues

We do not plan to have a call regarding the MDD content in the next week.


Another message will be sent out with the phone number.  I just wanted to get this out so it could be on everyone’s calendars.


                                                         ------------- b

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