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RE: [emf-dev] EMF 2.3.3 GA?

Wow. That was a little harsh. I'm happy to see such spirit!

Believe me, I have MUCH less spare time than you seem to think. I'm only making observations because I care. If nobody really cared about the maintenance branch, it shouldn't have been created in the first place...

The reasons I dared make an observation about XSD being built/released separately from EMF are

1. For the first couple of MDT releases I was promised it would happen ("not this release but maybe next release").

2. XSD is a subproject of MDT, not EMF.

3. A branch of EMF (core) should not be required to fix a bug in XSD.

4. Discussions about XSD releases should take place on the XSD and/or MDT mailing list instead of (or at least in addition to) the EMF list.

To me, this has less to do with Eclipse policies/procedures and more about the way XSD is produced/consumed... and I'm willing (as seemingly one of the few that care) to begin the work to split the two. Thanks for the gentle nudge.


Kenn Hussey
Program Manager, Modeling and Design Solutions

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. | 
82 Peter Street, Second Floor | Toronto, ON  M5V 2G5
Office: 416-593-1585 x9296 Mobile: 613-301-9105

-----Original Message-----
From: emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nick Boldt
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 1:45 PM
To: Eclipse Modelling Framework
Subject: Re: [emf-dev] EMF 2.3.3 GA?

I disagree. It just shows a maintenance branch that no one really cares 
about, and an untended bit of releng work on my part that should have 
been done this summer.


As to your off-topic request, wanting to do XSD 2.5 builds independent 
of EMF 2.5 is one thing. Supporting maintenance branches from 2 years 
ago is another kettle of funky fish, and I'd be VERY happy if the 
official Modeling Project policy on maintenance aligned with what the 
Eclipse Platform does: you get from June to February for maintenance; 
after that, maintenance is closed so that the focus can be on new 
development in the HEAD branch.

If you have a compelling customer need for why XSD has to be built 
independent of EMF -- despite its pedigree of being a cross-project 
build since its 1.x days, when the EMF project was in Tools and the XSD 
project was in Technology -- please share it.

Then, since you appear to be bubbling over with spare time, please begin 
the work required to split the XSD tests & examples from the EMF ones so 
that there are no criss-crossing dependencies between the projects. XSD 
can depend on EMF, or EMF on XSD, but for separate builds they cannot 
both depend on each other. I'm not |33+ enough, or free-time-equipped 
enough, to be able to do that work; nor do I see a compelling technical 
or consumer reason for it. (Eclipse policies are meant to empower 
customers, developers, and Member companies, not to introduce extra 
administrivia for its own sake.)

When that's done, let me know and I'll re-evaluate the proposal to split 
EMF and XSD into two builds.

'Till then,


Kenn Hussey wrote:
> This is case in point for the ability to do XSD builds/releases independently of EMF.
> Kenn Hussey
> Program Manager, Modeling and Design Solutions
> Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. | 
> 82 Peter Street, Second Floor | Toronto, ON  M5V 2G5
> Kenn.Hussey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Office: 416-593-1585 x9296 Mobile: 613-301-9105
> -----Original Message-----
> From: emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:emf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nick Boldt
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 1:28 PM
> To: Eclipse Modelling Framework
> Subject: [emf-dev] EMF 2.3.3 GA?
> Guys,
> Back on 2008/03/12, we released an M build for EMF/XSD 2.3.3 to fix a 
> single XSD bug. It's 8 months later and I guess no one has really been 
> beating down the door for this fix, since we never released it in an R 
> build.
> Is it time to do one simply to make the fix available to people who only 
> watch the update sites, and to end the maintenance of EMF 2.3.x?
> I'd say yes -- any objections to spinning a final 2.3.3 GA next week?
> Nick

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI

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