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[embed-cdt-dev] 5.1.2 pre-release available for testing

The 5.1.2-202009201439 pre-release is out.

Beta testers can install it from:


The bugs fixed are:

- [#400] ilg.gnumcueclipse.doc.user has error in localization configuration
- [#410] Do not exclude *_hal_flash_ex.c from STM32F[47] projects

The enhancements are:

- [#384] Switch to the "pomless" layout
- [#395] Add p2.mirrorsURL and p2.statsURI to the repository; tycho generateDownloadStatsProperty=true
- [#397] Generate "source" features that constains "source" bundles
- [#402] Normalize content of the sources bundles
- [#411] Rename packs references to CMSIS Packs
- [#413] Update strings to Arm new spelling
- [#414] Add --specs=nosys.specs as default to RISC-V Hello World template
- [#415] Add comments in the Arm Hello World template to mention nosys.specs

More details at GitHub:


If no problems are reported, tomorrow afternoon the final release will be out, followed by the 2020-09 package.



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