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Re: [el-dev] TCK tests migrated to JUnit

It was straightforward. I removed the "extends" from the,
removed the main method and annotated the public methods with @Test

However, the work for each individual TCK will change. Probably the work
for the specs that support standalone environments will be easier 
(for instance, the _expression_ Language).

Servlets, on the other hand, may require more changes. I know there 
is some work here: 

About the tests being equivalent, I don't have an answer, but maybe
would be possible to create a JUnit extension to help with something.

Best regards,


Em seg., 3 de mai. de 2021 às 14:59, Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
On 01/05/2021 20:11, Thiago Henrique Hupner wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've been working on a new Jakarta _expression_ Language implementation,
> and just finished migrating the TCK to JUnit 5. Even though it is not
> official, it may be used as an inspiration in the future if the TCK
> changes to use JUnit.
> The tests run really fast. The TCK takes about 10 minutes to finish
> while using the same VM to run the JUnit tests, they run in few seconds.
> You can find the tests migrated here:
> <>

Very nice. Being able to run the TCK in a few seconds would be fantastic.

How much of that was manual work and how much could you automate? I'm
thinking about other specs that might want to perform a similar
migration as well as how others could validate that the JUnit tests are
equivalent to the TCK.

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