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Re: [el-dev] Jakarta EE 9 EL 4.0 Status


I created the Release Record for Jakarta _expression_ Language 4.0.0:

I used the end of March as a date, we can change this if necessary.

As long as we stick to the overall Jakarta EE9 plan then we won't need an additional ballot / review etc. For now I've just referenced the Jakarta EE9 plan.

If we have an issue we think should be addressed for the 4.0.0 release lets discuss it on the mailing list and decide which to include in 4.0.0 and which need to wait for the next release.

I reviewed the issues and I didn't spot any issues that jumped out as "fix typo in spec" or "clarification". Do we have an issue for the generics work you were talking about?


Paul Nicolucci

On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 4:26 AM Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 23/01/2020 01:15, Paul Nicolucci wrote:
> Hi,
> I was planning to create the Release Record for EL 4.0 to complete the
> first item on this list:

Great. Thanks for looking at this.

> Are there any plans other than the Jakarta naming update planned for EL 4.0?

I'd like to review the open issue list and fix any issues that come
under the category of "typos" in Javadoc, spec doc etc. It is a while
since I looked through the issues and I know there were a few like that
across the projects I'm involved in but I can't remember if there were
any in EL.

If there are "clarification" issues then we might be able to address
some of them providing it doesn't change the API or expected behaviour.
Again, I haven't looked through them recently enough to have anything
specific in mind.

There are a handful of API clean-ups (adding generics where they were
missed) that are binary compatible changes that I plan to make. We
didn't make them in Jakarta EE 8 because it would have meant changing
the signatures in the TCK but since we are going to have to update the
signatures for the package rename now is a good time to get this done.

There is a single deprecated method:
that I'd *really* like to remove. The method name has a typo and a new,
fixed method has been added. Part of me thinks the Jakarta EE 8 to 9
transition is the perfect time to do this. However, it is a backwards
incompatible change and would add complexity to any tool doing automatic
Jakarta EE 8 to 9 conversion. As much as I'd like to see this method
removed, I think it is going to have to remain for Jakarta EE 9.

> Additionally I only saw a 4.0.0-M1 out on Maven Central, we will need an
> RC according to the following information from the platform-dev mailing
> list:
> Any thoughts on a date for the EL 4.0 Release Record?

Is that a guess at the final date? If so the TCK is the big unknown. I
haven't looked at any of that yet. Best guess (and it really is a guess)
would be end of March.

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