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  • [egit-dev] Against what version we should compare locally changed file?, Dariusz Luksza
  • [egit-dev] Fwd: [e4-dev] msysgit+ custom editor + win 7, Paul Webster
  • [egit-dev] EclipseProxySelector, Kinzler, Mathias
  • [egit-dev] Patch Feature, Jan Finis
  • [egit-dev] EGit is a top 10 plugin for Eclipse, Shawn Pearce
  • Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Avoiding stat calls (again), Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] MD5 hash is not as expected, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Cherry pick workflow?, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] Strange messages when running EGit tests on OS X, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Committing non workspace changes with EGit, Baumgart, Jens
  • [egit-dev] EGit PDE - help with EGit/JGit, Paul Webster
  • [egit-dev] Problems on EGit Update - MD5 hash is not as expected, Baumgart, Jens
  • [egit-dev] EGit PDE Tools Builds Available, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] Notes about Publishing Builds, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] FindBugs and PMD Results in Builds, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] Staging a resource, Neil Bartlett
  • [egit-dev] Mylyn integration in EGit, Manuel Doninger
  • [egit-dev] Team->commit on projects belonging to multiple repos, Baumgart, Jens
  • [egit-dev] Where is your repository?, Thomas Hallgren
  • [egit-dev] PDE & RelEng stuff in EGit, Gunnar Wagenknecht
  • [egit-dev] Welcome Jens Baumgart as a new technology.egit Committer, portal on behalf of Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] HistogramDiff now live on, Shawn Pearce
  • [egit-dev] Fwd: [Bug 326926] New: API to configure and import SCM URLs, Alex Blewitt

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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