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  • Re: [egit-dev] How to build current egit / jgit - unable to find, (continued)
  • [egit-dev] Push to Gerrit enhancement, Kamil Soboń
  • [egit-dev] handling of linked resources: please review, fr
  • [egit-dev] Egit and API, Floriano Fauzzi
  • [egit-dev] Release 2.2 ahead, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] How merge two or more commits?, Cesar Casasola
  • [egit-dev] Code Sprint before EclipseCon, Andrew Ross
  • [egit-dev] Strange <U+F708> character in commit messages, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Bug in Switching?, Marco Sousa
  • [egit-dev] Not able to update from 2.1.0 to the latest 2.2.0, Tomasz Zarna
  • [egit-dev] WG: Does anyone know how this doesn't cause an XML validation failure?, Michael Schnell
  • [egit-dev] Does anyone know how this doesn't cause an XML validation failure?, Alex Blewitt
  • [egit-dev] Expected performance profile of staging changes and committing then, Robert Munteanu
  • [egit-dev] Counting Objects taking long in current master, Markus Duft
  • [egit-dev] how to attach screenshots to wiki?, André Dietisheim
  • [egit-dev] update site for jetty 7.x bundles?, André Dietisheim
  • [egit-dev] EGit, Marco Sousa
  • [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit / EGit Release 2.1, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] [ANN] SubGit 1.0 is released, Semen Vadishev
  • [egit-dev] A vision on rebase, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Release 2.1, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] Task template not being populated, Neil Hunt
  • [egit-dev] Short read of block / Repo Dead?, Daniel Megert

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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