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Re: [egit-dev] Two people (at least) are failing ssh auth in Eclipse, but not from command line, https works

Please file an issue at the github egit repo.

Cheers, Wim

On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 at 18:04, David Karr via egit-dev <egit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
For a long time, I've had my ssh key registered in our internal
bitbucket server. I have a couple of hundred repositories, all cloned
from Eclipse with ssh, and as of yesterday pulls and pushes were
working fine.

Suddenly, this morning, all of my connection attempts from Eclipse
egit are failing with "The specified network name is no longer
available", either pulls on already cloned repositories, or attempts
to clone new repositories.

I've verified that a clone using https appears to work, but I only
verified it could get the branches.

For a repository that fails with this error in Eclipse, a "git pull"
for the same repository from the command line works fine.

The other important detail is that one other member of my team
(different location, but same network) is getting almost exactly the
same errors, which also started for him this morning. Two other people
are not seeing it. I'm having trouble getting responses to that query.

I and the other person seeing similar errors are using 2024-03, but I
see the same error in 2023-09.
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