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Re: [egit-dev] RFC: Publish branch wizard

Hey Robin

interesting interesting, sounds as if this would provide some enhanced workflow. Let me try to understand what you suggest so that I can give valuable feedback:

On 06/29/2013 05:16 PM, Robin Stocker wrote:
Hey hey,

Some time ago, I submitted a change for a new wizard that can be used
for pushing a branch for the first time (e.g. a new feature branch to a
centralized repository):

It hasn't received any feedback yet. The code still has some TODOs, so
please don't comment on that yet. I want to get the UI right first, so
it would be good to get some feedback about that.

So, this is what it currently looks like, when pushing a feature branch:

Let me reiterate what I understood so far. The usecase is as follows:
You are in a local clone, created your topic branch locally and now want to have it created in origin or some upstream master repo (since the wizard allows you to choose a remote there's no limitation to origin), and the content of your local branch pushed to it. The wizard pulls from the existing remote master (?) branch, merges or rebases (whatever you set in the radio button) and pushes your local branch to a topic branch on the chosen remote. The "configure upstream branch" configures the fetch- and push- specs for the local topic branch? - Shouldn't we provide some explanatory label that tells the user in a few words what happens if this wizard is triggered (the workflow looks not-obvious enough for unexperimented users to grock without explanations)? - Shouldn't we explicitly state in the group title that the pull is pulling from remote master? - What happens if the remote topic-branch already exists on the remote and the change is not fast-forward? Will we pop up the "do you want to push force?" dialog we discussed in some other thread?
- What happens if the pull from remote master conflicts? Error-dialog?

Note that in the case the branch is already configured to track another
branch, a warning is shown that the old configuration is overwritten.

It can also be used when there is no remote yet (say after starting a
new repository), then it looks like this:

What do you think? What should be improved?

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