My first question is about building EGit.
Following the contributor guide instructions, I managed to build JGit and
EGit with maven 3.
JGit build succeds, but EGit build fails. Unit
tests pass, but several UI tests (swtbot)
first building the unmodified EGit
code from master branch. I use
maven 3.0.3 in a Cygwin bash console.)
Question #1: Should I care about
those failures ? Or are they OK ?
in general all tests should pass, but UI tests sometimes
are a bit brittle, so unfortunately
sometimes it's necessary to run the UI tests multiple times
until they succeed. We constantly
try to improve this but this doesn't come for free ...
My second question
is about testing my modified version of EGit.
The Contributor Guide only tells about
a testing instance at
Question #2: Is it possible for me to test locally ?
Do you have any document URL where I would understand
how to proceed ?
Or is the use of a testing instance at mandatory ?
in order to run UI tests locally you need to have swtbot
installed as described
in the contributor guide. Then simply select the test class
or method and
click "Run As > SwtBot Test". This should start the test
locally. Beware: don't
click around when a UI test is running as this may disturb
the UI test by e.g.
moving the focus to another window. I updated the
contributor guide