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Re: [Tycho Users] Re: [egit-dev] EGit build fails with ZipException

2010/5/11 Igor Fedorenko <ifedorenko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
This looks like a tycho-specific problem. I've opened to track this.

To workaround this problem I switched from pom-first to p2 dependencies between egit 
and jgit builds by exposing all jgit artifacts via the jgit p2 repository and referencing that 
from egit instead of sharing artifacts via maven repository shared across all builds on the 
same Hudson instance.,678,679,684
This way we can now use a private maven repository per Hudson job. This helps to reduce 
the chance to hit corrupted artifacts.

Next problem the egit build hit was throwing :
[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not determine SWT implementation fragment bundle -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.InternalErrorException: Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not determine SWT implementation fragment bundle
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(

This problem went away when switching the used Java installation from 64 bit IBM JVM :

Java version: 1.6.0
Java home: /opt/public/common/ibm-java-ppc64-60-SR7/jre
to standard IBM JVM
Java version: 1.6.0
Java home: /opt/ibm/ibm-java-jdk-ppc-60/jre

I am crossing my fingers that this works for a while ;-)


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