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Re: [egit-dev] git clone w.o. project files in repo

måndagen den 19 april 2010 11.32.51 skrev  Lay, Stefan:
> Hi,
> > When cloneing a git reop like described in your wiki vie File->Import
> > without project files in the repo, I have no change to create a new
> > project from it right?
> Not in the wizard. The wizard does not know which type of project you want
>  at which place of the repo. This feature could be added to the wizard, but
>  it is available in eclipse already:
> You can just create a new project with the eclipse New -> Project...
>  wizard, can't you? For most of the project types you can create a project
>  from existing sources. Just select the folder in the working tree of the
>  cloned repo.
> After you created the project you simply have to share it with the Git team
>  provider (Team -> Share).
> > When importing files into a directory where already a project is in,
> > eclipse/egit does not recognize that the new folder is an git checkout
> > and i don't have the egit features in it right?
> A project can only be shared with Git if all its resources are contained in
>  a git repository.

If your project is a maven project you could use M2Eclipse to import it. It
will generate the eclipse project files. 

-- robin

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