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Re: [egit-dev] How to test eclipse 3.4 compatibility?

On 19 Mar 2010, at 15:59, Robin Rosenberg wrote:

fredagen den 19 mars 2010 16.21.02 skrev  Mykola Nikishov:
My PoV: EGit/JGit 0.7.0 should be targeted to Galileo.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Submit a patch to wind our dependency back to 0.1.37?  Its probably
too late for our 0.7.0 release as we would need to open a new CQ
for 0.1.37 reuse and get our IP log approved again.

0.1.137 works fine for what I know.

I think we should be fine to build and test against 0.1.41, but have the manifest base itself on 0.1. That way, it should be capable of running without changes on 3.4 as well as 3.5. If there are bugs discovered and raised against the 3.4 platform, we can always do regression testing against a local developer copy if needed. The alternative would be for the 3.4 user to upgrade to the 0.1.41 to see if that fixes the problem. I really don't think we need to build against the oldest version, particularly since most of the tests probably mock the stuff out that is used for communication in any case. I really can't see any of our tests failing because of these bugs, with the possible exception of some of the new aes256 ciphers - but that's a server-side issue too.


--- 8< --- Changelog from 0.1.37 to 0.1.41

ChangeLog of JSch
Last modified: Tue Jul 14 02:29:29 UTC 2009

Changes since version 0.1.41:
- bugfix: making exec request during re-keying process will cause 
	  the dead lock for the session.                        FIXED.
          Many thanks for PanLi at Prominic dot NET and, 
	  US based hosting company.  Without their testing JSch with
  	  hundreds of hosts and their bug reports, this problem 
	  was not fixed.
- change: updating copyright messages; 2008 -> 2009	

Changes since version 0.1.40:
- bugfix: canceling the remote port-forwarding with the incorrect 
	  bind-address.                                         FIXED.
- bugfix: sftp had missed to close the file in some case.       FIXED.
- bugfix: ls(sftp) will throw an exception for the empty directory
	  in connecting to some sftpd server.                   FIXED.
- change: dropping the session gently in accepting incorrect packets.
- change: by the default, aes128-ctr will be chosen if it is available
	  on the local and the remote.
- feature: adding the support for the private key ciphered in AES256.
- feature: new ciphers: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,
	   3des-ctr,arcfour,arcfour128 ,arcfour256

Changes since version 0.1.39:
- bugfix: ProxySOCKS4 had not been functional.                  FIXED.
- bugfix: NPE at closing the session when it is not opened.     FIXED.
- change: JSch#getConfing has become public.

Changes since version 0.1.38:
- bugfix: session will be dropped at rekeying.                  FIXED.
- bugfix: NPE should not be thrown at unexpected session drop.  FIXED.
- change: Channel#getSession() may throw JSchExecption.

Changes since version 0.1.37:
- bugfix: NPE should not be thrown at unexpected session drop.  FIXED.
- bugfix: AIOOBE at Session#connect().                         FIXED.
- bugfix: Even if 'true' is given for
	    Channel#setOutputStream(OutputStream out, boolean dontclose)
	  as the second paramter, 'out' will be closed.        FIXED.
- change: 'examples/' has been modified to demonstrate
          ChannelSftp#reaplpath(String path)
- change: setEnv(Hashtable env) for exec and shell channels have been
	  marked as @deprecated
- feature: setEnv(String name, String value) has been added to exec
	   and shell channels.
- feature: setEnv(byte[] name, byte[] value) has been added to exec
	   and shell channels.
- feature: ChannelSftp#realpath(String path) has been added.
- feature: ChannelExec#setCommand(byte[] command) has been added.
- feature: com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.LsEntry has implemented
- feature: Session#getServerAliveInterval(), Session#getServerAliveCountMaX()
	   have been added.

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