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  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17543] CSS parser library Version: 0.9.25, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17540] Apache HttpComponents HttpMime Version: 4.5.5, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17538] Jaxen Core version 1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17534] Simple API for XPath version 1.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17485] Fast Infoset, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17497] SigTest version 4.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17495] JTHarness version 5.0, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17421] Test only dependency for GMBAL- Primative Function Library project, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] CI/CD Pipeline meeting, David Blevins
  • [ee4j-pmc] Immediate committership for Stable EE4J API project, Kevin Sutter
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17493] Glassfish RI archives, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17490] SOAP with Attachments (SAAJ) API, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17488] Metro StAX extensions, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17486] JAXB Istack commons, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] EE4J PMC Meeting Minute #20, Ivar Grimstad
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17484] normalize.css version 3.0.2, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17482] JAXB DTD Parser, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] GlassFish issue tracker, Ondrej Mihályi
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Nathan Mittlestat on Eclipse Project for JSON Processing has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Syed Wadood on Eclipse Project for JAXB has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Syed Wadood on Eclipse Implementation of JAXB has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for James Krueger on Eclipse Jersey has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Syed Wadood on Eclipse Project for JAX-WS has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Olen Cook on Eclipse Project for Interceptors has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Tracy Burroughs on Eclipse Project for Interceptors has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Olen Cook on Eclipse Project for EJB has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Tracy Burroughs on Eclipse Project for EJB has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for James Krueger on Eclipse Project for JAX-RS has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Anand Francis Joseph on Eclipse Project for JavaMail has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Padmanabha Bhat on Eclipse Project for JavaMail has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Anand Francis Joseph on Eclipse GlassFish has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Padmanabha Bhat on Eclipse GlassFish has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Anand Francis Joseph on Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] JAX-RS 2.1.1 Available On Maven Central, Markus KARG
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Bill Wigger on Eclipse Tyrus has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Bill Wigger on Eclipse Project for WebSocket has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Toshi Yamamoto on Eclipse Project for JACC has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Missing project mailing lists?, Kevin Sutter
  • [ee4j-pmc] Creating CI/CD pipelines for EE4J projects, Dmitry Kornilov
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17472] Dependency Injection Porting Kit for GlassFish, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17471] CDI Porting Kit for GlassFish, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17470] JavaMail TCK, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17469] Bean Validation GlassFish Porting Kit, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17468] Standalone TCK for JavaBeans Activation Framework, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17467] Debugging Support for Other Languages (JSR 45) - TCK, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17466] Java EE CTS Tools, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17465] Java EE 8 CTS, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] Access to Jenkins instances for non committers, Dmitry Kornilov
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17451] Maven GlassFish Embedded Plugin, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17438] glassfish-spec-version-maven-plugin, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17446] Glassfish RI, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17427] JavaMail, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17420] GMBAL- Primative Function Library, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17415] JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF), emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17413] GMBAL - GlassFish Management API, emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] [CQ 17401] GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (GMBAL), emo-ip-team
  • [ee4j-pmc] CI/CD pipelines tasks, Dmitry Kornilov

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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