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[ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for BJ Hargrave on Jakarta EE Platform has started

A committer election for BJ Hargrave on project Jakarta EE Platform
(ee4j.jakartaee-platform) was started by Kevin Sutter with this criteria:

Bj has been very active with the overall Platform project -- participating on
the weekly Platform calls and the Platform dev mailing list.  Most recently,
he also initiated the creation of the Eclipse Transformer project, which will
be an integral part of the overall Jakarta EE 9 solution (due to the javax ->
jakarta package rename).  One of the items he pushed for on a recent Platform
call was a separate repository containing a codified version of the required
changes due to the package rename.  The contents of this repo could then be
used by the Transformer, generated documentation, and other tools requiring
this "ever changing" list of changes.  Since this new repo will be part of
the Platform project, we need to get BJ as a committer to help with this
definition and maintenance.

Jakarta EE Platform project committers can click the election link below to



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