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[ee4j-pmc] Project Lead election for Jan Supol on Eclipse Tyrus

A project lead election for Jan Supol on project Eclipse Tyrus (ee4j.tyrus)
was started by Dmitry Kornilov with this criteria:

Tyrus project doesn't have a project lead for some time already. At least one
project lead is required to initiate a release review, so absence of leads
blocks Tyrus releases. In the light this I am nominating Jan Supol as Tyrus
project lead. Jan is leading Jersey project and actively participating in
Tyrus, JAX-RS, Jakarta TCK and other EE4J projects. In Oracle he is
responsible for Tyrus. His responsibilities include bug fixing, integrating
Tyrus to other products, dealing with Tyrus-related CTS failures, etc. Jan
participated in development of Websocket API TCK tests and have a great
expertise in this area. I believe that Jan is a right candidate to drive
Tyrus efforts.

Eclipse Tyrus project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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