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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Publication of Spec Draft Snapshots

We know we need to update these specification pages with more information about work-in-progress specifications.  We need to have pointers to the release plans, progress reviews, etc.  Kevin is already working on some of this and we were expecting David to propose a template for these pages for the other information.

We only expect these specification pages to be updated on lifecycle events in the JESP or EDP, so any more dynamic content such as proposal for new features, requests for feedback in certain areas, etc. should be on the project's web site.  We'll need to make sure there are appropriate links between the specification web site pages and the project web sites.

So yes, we're working on this, but I don't know how much progress will be made until next year when people return from vacation/holiday.

Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote on 12/20/19 4:33 AM:

I’m not super familiar with the process that generates that site.


I believe the content for your project’s pages is here


So I could imagine you could create a PR to add a pre-release section and maybe link to something off in your GH repo or elsewhere?




From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Markus KARG
Sent: 20 December 2019 11:28
To: 'EE4J PMC Discussions' <ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [ee4j-pmc] Publication of Spec Draft Snapshots


PMC members,

people keep asking me what API changing will come past Jakarta EE 9. For that purpose it would be great if we would have a web page containing nightly builds of Spec and Java Docs.

As we have a web site for the final release we simply could have a sub page for the latest SNAPSHOT (clearly marked as "not for production use").

We already have an automated nightly build in place, where we could add an upload step. What are the steps we have to go to get automated upload access to that location?



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