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[ee4j-pmc] Hosting of GlassFish and other Eclipse implementation TCK results

The specification process requires any implementation that wants to be listed as certified as needing to publish the results.  There's a discussion for the various implementations within Eclipse EE4J umbrella as to how we want to do this.

As a reference, on the Apache TomEE side of the fence we're likely to check them into a dedicated repo that under control of Apache TomEE project.  This would be at least for major releases, likely for minor as well.  We build our website from multiple repos already, so likely they'll be available on the website as well.  I suspect other Apache projects will do similar things by checking them into a repository they control, and/or adding them to their website (which is really the same as all websites at Apache or in git or svn).

At this point, others who will actually be doing the work should likely speak up.  CI results don't entirely cover it as a handful of additional information is required in the "public tck results" section of the TCK Process document.

Here's a short recap of required information for TCK results:

 - Statement of Acceptance of the terms of the EFTL
 - Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable)
 - Specification Name, Version and download URL
 - TCK Version, digital SHA-256l fingerprint and download URL
 - Implementation runtime Version(s) tested
 - Java runtime used to run the implementation
 - Summary of the information for the certification environment, operating system, cloud, ...
 - A statement attesting that all TCK requirements have been met, including any compatibility rules
 - The Total number of tests run and passed. If you are running a platform TCK, this means reporting the tests run for each required TCK, which includes the platform TCK and some of the individual TCKs that are not integrated with the platform TCK.

Some specifications may have additional requirements for public tck results.  Examples could include:

 - Name and version of Compatible Implementation used for interoperability tests
 - Name and version of Databases used for persistence tests
 - Name and version of NoSQL implementations used in persistence tests

Opening the discussion, but hoping others with more skin in the game on the Eclipse implementation side of the fence take the lead.

David Blevins

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