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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta EE Specification names and scope statements

On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 at 16:21, Tom Jenkinson <tom.jenkinson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 07:56, Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Based on the request from the Jakarta EE Specification Committee, the EE4J PMC is reaching out to everyone involved in the EE4J projects.

The work with defining the Jakarta EE specification names and scope statements has been going on for a couple of months. The tracking can be found here:

We will need the proposed project names and scope statements by June 7/2019. Please close the related issue when the project team has come to a conclusion. For those scope statements that are not complete by the deadline, the PMC will create the names and statements on behalf of the projects.

The lack of activity on the request for help with the name change and creating of scope statements is a major concern for the EE4J PMC. A consequence may be that we will have to revisit the composition of the unresponsive projects.

The Jakarta EE 8 release is very much dependant on the specification names and scope statements changes. To plan out the release schedule and the release date we need to ensure this work is completed in order to engage in the Release review.

These are the specifications where there is no or little, progress regarding scope statements:

  • Common Annotations

  • Concurrency Utilities

  • EJB

  • Enterprise Security

  • _expression_ Language

  • Interceptors

  • JACC


  • JAX-WS

  • JCA

  • JAX-B

  • JSTL

  • JTA

I have update the JTA ones:

I need to allow some time for the discussion on #35 so will close them tomorrow.

I closed them as per Ivar's note ("Please close the related issue") but beyond the comments on the issues, the outcomes (such as to update the readme and so on) are not reflected in any repos on the Eclipse project pages as I believe that the specification committee has to agree before we do that - is that correct?

  • Stable APIs

    • Platform Management

    • Platform Application Deployment

    • XML Registries

    • JAX-RPC

    • Enterprise Web Services

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Ivar - on behalf of the EE4J PMC

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