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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Specification Projects and the Jakarta Namespace

Dmitry Kornilov wrote on 6/3/19 1:39 AM:

On 1 Jun 2019, at 13:46, Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

when and how can we initiate the Jakarta EE Specification Process for JAX-RS 2.2? To be more specific, when will the TCK be split up (and by whom) so that the JAX-RS committers can extend their part of the test suite according to the new features of JAX-RS 2.2, and when will we gain access to the Spec document to modify it accordingly?

It’s a responsibility of JAX-RS team to

1. Setup a TCK job for JAX-RS project (tracker is here:
2. Extract JAX-RS TCK tests from CTS suite and make it a part of JAX-RS project

There's widespread agreement that the single TCK project should be broken up, and the API-specific pieces moved to the corresponding API projects.  But doing it is non-trivial.

We would greatly prefer that any work in this area be coordinated across all the projects so that we end up with a coherent solution that will benefit all of the projects.

A discussion about this was started on the jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list, but hasn't progressed very far.  We should probably continue this discussion there.

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