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Re: [ee4j-pmc] API renaming clarification?

I have made recommendations for new project names (so I'd change "will be called" to "Wayne thinks that it should be called"). "Jakarta Servlet" seems like a pretty natural name, but I invite the project team to decide whether or not they agree. The Eclipse Foundation's Trademark team will have to confirm that the names we eventually do select are valid before we actually adopt them.

No requirement to change repository names or GitHub organizations should be implied from this exercise. For the time being at least, we'll keep everything as it is.

We tend to follow a pattern of using the project's short name as the repository name root. When a project needs more than one repository, we append "-<qualifier>" to the short name (e.g. "servlet-api", "servlet-tck", ...). So... theoretically, since there is only one repository for the "Eclipse Project for Servlet" (which has short name of "servlet"), we could rename the repository to if the project team thought that there was value in doing so.



On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 6:19 PM Greg Wilkins <gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'd just like to clarify how API projects should be named, specifically for Servlets

My understanding is that the technology in general will be called "Jakarta Servlets", and this can be applied to API, TCK, examples, etc.    

So the API project currently at eclipse-ee4j/servlet-api will be called "Jakarta Servlet API" and there will be a "Jakarta Servlet TCK" etc.

Supplementary question: Should it's github coordinates become:
  • eclipse-ee4j/jakarta-servlet-api
  • jakarta/jakarta-servlet-api
  • jakarta/servlet-api
I have no strong preference anyway (but I do like brevity), but just want to make sure we follow the herd.



Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

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