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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Servlet Schemas?


all good with those responses!   

But it would be good to not have to wait until EE9 to move forward on this.  Soon after the current releases, I think there is demand for dot releases of EE8 artifacts, but with minor fixes, including JPMS modules and schemas etc.     There is already artifacts being created by several container vendors that combine the APIs and schemas, which have not yet been converted to modules, so it would be great if the first time the APIs are consumed as JPMS modules it could be from official artifacts rather than the various rebundlings out there.


On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 01:27, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greg Wilkins wrote on 11/20/18 07:27 AM:

What is the plan for schema?

Currently there are no schema (or dtd) in eclipse-ee4j/servlet-api nor under any eclipse repo that I can find?   I think the main source for them is the javaee repo, which is still oracle.
We'll be contributing a version of that repository that can be used to produce the schema files for Jakarta EE 9.  It's on our list of things to do, we just haven't gotten to it yet.  Hopefully soon, but since it's irrelevant for the current work it hasn't been a priority.

I think such a central repository is not conducive to modular development.  The servlet schemas should be in the servlet repo, so they can be modified/developed/tested in branches etc.
As you can see from the javaee repo, the schemas are assembled from multiple shared pieces, and tested using common tools.  If someone wants to refactor this so that the shared pieces live in one repo and the spec-specific pieces move into the spec repositories, go for it, but do it for all the schemas not just one.

Also, once our jar artifacts become JPMS modules, it becomes more difficult to provide schemas as resources in the same package space as the API classes.   Thus ideally the servlet schemas would be included as resources in the servlet-api.jar
The current specs only define the schemas in terms of their URIs, and we make the files available at those locations.  Making the schema files available in the API jar files, e.g., under META-INF/schemas, seems like a reasonable approach.  Almost no applications using the APIs will need the schema files, but that would be a convenient place for the runtime to find them.


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