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Re: [ee4j-pmc] [websocket-dev] Reminder to vote on Committer Election for Joakim Erdfelt on Eclipse Project for WebSocket

My apologies... I noticed that the title of this message is wrong. I'll get that fixed.

The election record shows that it's for a project lead election. I'll leave the record intact.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Wayne Beaton <wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Joakim is already a committer on the project. According to my records, we received the required paperwork and the provisioning process was completed yesterday.

I'm going to delete this election record.

The system should normally not let you elect somebody who is already a committer, but we're in a bit of an odd state as we transition from an old system to a new one and some of the EE4J projects are getting caught in the middle. If somebody is listed on a proposal, but is not yet a committer, chances are that we're waiting for something from them. If you're not sure what, send a note to emo@xxxxxxxxxxx and we'll try and sort it out.

If you're listed on a project and are wondering why you're not a committer yet, visit and follow the instructions there. 


On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:13 AM, <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Voting will close tomorrow for the committer election of Joakim Erdfelt on
project Eclipse Project for WebSocket (ee4j.websocket).


I'm nominating Joakim as a second co-lead of WebSocket API project. Joakim is
long time developer / committer on the Eclipse Jetty project. He's also been
active committer in various open source community for a while (since 2004),
starting with Apache and then Eclipse. The past few years on Eclipse Jetty
he's been the primary for the WebSocket layers. The WebSocket layers in
Eclipse Jetty were started very early, back during the early hixie drafts,
and eventually the final IETF/RFC, to our own implementation of the JSR-356
APIs. He's been active in the IETF discussions around websocket for a long
time and have a positive history with standards groups (including the past
jsr356-users / jsr356-experts list as joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx).

Eclipse Project for WebSocket project committers can click the election link
below to vote.



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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

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