There may be a bit of ambiguity and overlap between EE4J and the WG (aka JakartaEE WG ;-) because EE4J was immediately created as a TLP at Eclipse. Most other similar cases like Science were established as a WG and many months or years later they graduated to become a TLP.
or under its own domain name
are examples for WGs/TLPs with their own charter and list of projects. And as Eclipse Science recently started even their own separate release train separate from the main Eclipse (IDE) release train in June.
Should a domain like kindly registered by Tomitribe (like be the best place for a public entry point, then I imagine it would be that and behave similar to regarding the web site. Everything else is a WG/TLP similar to
A few projects that were under Technology also moved e.g. to Science, that's how it may work for certain projects in other areas or even features under MicroProfile (that currently has no formal sub-projecs, but it should be beneficial, then projects and features like MP Rest Client or others could certainly move under EE4J at some point)