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Re: [ee4j-build] missing from staging

On 12/13/18 3:14 AM, Lukas Jungmann wrote:
We should at least avoid the chicken-and-egg with Metro and GF 5.1.0

There is an 5.1.0-RC1 build that's available, can metro depend on that ?

No, it can not. This is what I get after changing version from 5.1.0
to 5.1.0-RC1:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project wssx-impl: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.glassfish.metro:wssx-impl:jar:2.5.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.glassfish.hk2:config-types:jar:5.1.0-RC1, org.glassfish.hk2:hk2-config:jar:5.1.0-RC1: Could not find artifact org.glassfish.hk2:config-types:jar:5.1.0-RC1 in sonatype-nexus-staging ( -> [Help 1]

...which means that the GlassFish 5.1.0-RC1 in central is not complete. Or am I misinterpreting what I see?
I saw that too yesterday when fiddling with the jersey 2.28 integration.
The GAV for these is confusing and should be changed to org.glassfish.main.

I think you are right 5.1.0-RC1 is not complete because these are missing ; I suspect this is a side effect of the bad groupId.

Can you workaround and exclude these from the dependency graph ?
Otherwise we'd have to fix this and do a quick RC2.

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