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Re: [ee4j-build] git question

On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 at 18:48, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom Jenkinson wrote on 12/11/18 10:10 AM:

Is there a way to tell cherry-pick to "pick everything on the branch"?

This might work (at least it seens to for the current state of the branches):
for i in `git cherry master EE4J_8 | grep "+ " | cut -f 2 -d " "`; do git cherry-pick $i; done

More generally you will find although that should work initially, it is only so useful (and might speak to why rebaseing between branches support is working the way it does - or rather why it doesn't work in the way you hope). It is fine so long as you want all the commits from EE4J_8 branch in master, at some point in the future that won't be the case.
For the EE4J_8 branch, my plan is to delete it now that I've done the release that's included in GlassFish 5.1.

In the future, I intend to make very little use of branches and avoid this problem entirely!  :-)

If used at all, branches would be for feature development or bug fixes where the branch would be merged into the master and then thrown away, so generally all the commits on the branch would be needed.  And I've definitely concluded that one should never include the same changes on both a branch and the master if the branch is intended to be merged (rebased) into the master.

I understand that some larger projects, such as GlassFish, might need to maintain (e.g.) "development" and "maintenance" branches indefinitely, and in that case moving commits from branch to branch would definitely be done using cherry-pick selectively.

Thanks again for helping me understand all of this, Tom!

Glad to have helped!

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