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Re: [ee4j-build] First working release job

Lukas Jungmann wrote on 10/9/18 12:47 AM:
> On 10/5/18 11:18 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Lukas Jungmann wrote on 10/05/2018 05:39 AM:
>>> On 10/4/18 11:32 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> [..]
>>>> What's the difference between "install:install" and "install"?
>>>> Ditto "deploy:deploy"?
>>> in short:
>>> install:install - executes 'install' goal of 'install' plugin and nothing else
>>> install - executes install life cycle phase and all goals bound to it in pom
>>> ( this includes validate, compile, package..)
>>>> Aren't some of those Maven steps implied by install or deploy?
>>> they are but 'gpg:sign install:install' and 'gpg:sign install' lead to different
>>> result, where the former command results in valid deployment to mvn central repo
>>> and the latter one to invalid deployment due to invalid signature files (the
>>> latter will repackage the jar so the signature created earlier by gpg:sign
>>> becomes invalid)
>> Would "install gpg:sign deploy" not do what you want?
> no, it effectively, by default, does 'mvn gpg:sign install deploy:deploy'

So Maven rearranges the order to do the gpg:sign before the install?

>> Isn't signing part of the normal/default "deploy" when deploy a non-SNAPSHOT
>> artifact?  I never needed to specify "gpg:sign" when deploying to
> likely because jvnet-release profile, where gpg:sign's execution is bound to
> verify phase, is enabled by default when doing release using release plugin.
> There were specific requirements and bugs in maven plugins which disallowed
> using release plugin in Metro (and some of its subprojects) in the past. Most of
> them might be invalid these days but "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" is
> currently followed here. I'm not saying that it can't be changed going forward.

Is there something we could add to the parent pom that would make this simpler
for everyone, like it was for

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