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[ee4j-build] Notes from build-team meeting (Sep 19)

Discussed CICD pipeline assignment schedule. Build instances will be set up by end of next week. Push to Stage/Maven repositories will be later, but it will be beneficial to have the initial build instances setup.

Discussed Eclipse GlassFish Release Plan looked at the EclipsePlan Wiki page.

GlassFish build status -- manual build is functional. Remainder of work will be to automate builds and tests.

Anand reported issues setting up CI/CD for Jakarta TCK project. Discussed some setup issues. No 'root' user access is provided so we will need to find another solution for e-mail server setup. See Bug 539086

Discussed location for potential public Wiki. Suggested that we use the wiki: Anyone with an Eclipse account can submit updates. Currently initial updates require moderation, but after some number of posts, the moderator requirement is removed. Dmitry will set up a skeleton page and discuss with PMC. This will likely provide better project wide wiki space. For example, using GitHub wiki pages has the limitation that wiki pages are available only to repositories. There is no repository which all committers have write permission and observers cannot write to these pages at all. Conclusion is GH Wikis appear to be too restricted. while Eclipse Wiki (Media Wiki) only prohibits anonymous posts (most sites do that anyway). We may choose to move wiki pages, currently in to a page under

Next week I am on vacation. We will use Dmitry's zoom ID for this call:

Thank you for joining!

-- Ed

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