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[ee4j-build] Question about setting up Eclipse GlassFish repository

Hi Frederic and Mikael

As we migrate repositories over to the Github eclipse-ee4j organization, we are also migrating the issues associated with that repository. Generally, we do this after the project source contribution has completed. The migration of issues is rather "noisy" with notifications from GitHub. I believe that four notices are generated for each migrated issue.

In general, we have been migrating all issues. For GlassFish, this is over 22K issues. Times 4 equals a very clogged inbox (and probably complaints).

Needless to say, this will generate an excessive number of notifications.

Should we look for alternative provisioning mechanisms for this repository? Perhaps -- Eclipse admins set up the repository (eclipse-ee4j/glassfish -- then only provision the contribution user (or a small sub-set) -- we push the source -- migrate the issues -- /then/ we add the remainder of the committers.

Would that be something we can consider? Otherwise, I'm not sure what options exist, if Admins can remove watchers for the period of time it takes to migrate the issues, perhaps that's an alternative but we'd need to make sure we send notice about this so folks know what is going on.


-- Ed

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