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[ee4j-build] Build team meeting notes Aug 1, 2018

Bhat, Dmitry, Jan: Please reply with bug IDs related to discussion we had today.

Tomas: please send a brief update just before you leave for vacation so that we know how far things got with JSONB.

Here are my notes:

Jan -- Request for permission to use Maven and associated tools from bash shells. Is a problem with Jersey as well as will be a problem with other projects. Will open an issue and identify missing tools/utilities. Eclipse web team will evaluate and probably provide.

Question about other Glassfish tools and how to add them? If not open-source license needs to be handled like any other third party. Follow developer handbook. Need Oracle JDK 8 -- this has been provided in the past -- Web team will work from an issue that we will write.

Tomas -- JSONP has been pushed to sonatype. Working as expected.

Generally progress in releasing components for various projects. JSONP. Need to finalize permission to move to artifacts to Maven (Tomas has vacation so we will work to complete this before he is out.)

PMC - How many projects have moved over to Eclipse infra. Goal is to migrate first. Then update build infra as needed for contribution. Ed suggested we report status of the internal tracking page. Cautioned that not all projects have automated build set up prior to contribution. To publish to maven, there must be a release target because that is the only way to publish artifacts. However, full build automation may be an after effect of the first release for some components. Bottom line: if project had CI/CD infra prior to migrating to Eclipse, we will replicate that. If it did not, we may only have a release target initially.

Glassfish -- plan to start migrating build jobs, once initial contribution and third party CQs are approved.

Bhat/Anand -- trying to diagnose problems but they couldn't reproduce when attempted locally. Will wait for further. Do not have a sandbox infra in CloudBees -- they can create one? Yes. Bhat will open a bug.

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