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[ee4j-build] Build team discussion notes ...

notes from June 23 build team discussion


Bhat -- working on Docker conversion of CTS test suite. Hopes to have working initial build containers by end of this week. Once this is complete, will work on porting to Eclipse Cloudbees infrastructure.

Arindam -- conversion to CloudBees -- working on cluster optimization -- Working with Romain. Build is failing before log files are produced. how to obtain logs of setup and non-trigger issues?

Reviewed the build log -- appears pod is activated, but then i fails because it can't create the maven cache. Romain is working through build scripts that are tested internally -- clean up hard-coded and other internal issues. General plan: two phases. First get this all working locally (phase 1), then port that work to Eclipse pods (phase 2). Phase 1 - is close to being finished -- Target is end of this week for GF builds working in pipelines running internally -- 2nd phase is to migrate to Eclipse -- Target wed. after 4th of July (11th).

Prague team: No updates about Eclipse build related work.

Dmitry opened discussion around Maven deployment work

a few projects have completed release review -- but need to work out process for granting sufficient entitlement to Eclipse users (maybe selected Eclipse committers) to Maven Central group-id's that are currently managed/owned by Oracle. One question is: how many / which committer(s) will be granted this entitlement. Options: grant access to project leads and allow them to delegate, or b) create generic account IDs and allow the project team to decide how to distribute/guard these credential.

Romain -- for any project, we can use work-around/temporary procedures if projects want to make a Maven release now -- if we want to, we can "hack" certain builds. This could be a temporary work-around while we figure out the actual Eclipse policy and process. OSSRH -- use a single credential (maybe private to Eclipse). Eclipse has OpenIDConnect service -- could create an o-auth connection. Could provide an automated Auth. system. Oracle would like to limit access. Credentials are not shared currently.


By Eclipse policy Anyone can create a JIRA and ask for access. All committers should be able to deploy artifacts to Maven. Sonatype has a very loose confirmation procedure.  Limiting access may be in conflict with the Eclipse rules.

Based on the latest information, Oracle will develop a proposal for operations for EE4J builds. Would like to have this ready before July 4th holiday (US). Will schedule more discussions with Oracle team members to work out the details.

Thanks for your participation,

-- Ed

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