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[ee4j-build] Built team meeting notes, April 25, 2018

Here are my notes from today's build team meeting (April 25, 2018)

Yamini, working on OpenMQ tests. Created local Jenkins instance to experiment with. dockerized build/test. Working to make tests run in parallel. Needs docker plugin.

Denis reported that Eclipse is moving to a Docker/K8S CICD system -- coming, Jenkins Enterprise installed on week May 7. Following week to get early docker adopters. Improve scaleability. Recommended we subscribe to cbi-dev eclipse mailing list cross-project-issues-dev:

Arindam -- blocker -- connection issues, was intermittent. now happening with greater frequency. Tried a couple of workaround, but no love yet. Has a bug opened, but not much demonstrable progress. Will review instance deployments. This is stalling work progress.

Discussed Dmitry's issue about Parent POM Eclipse is looking into resolution of this and providing a top-level instance solution.

General status -- lots of code in flight but still lots of work to do. As more code is contributed, we may need to find a way to scale-up help requests (sometimes these take a long time due to time-zone differences).

-- Ed

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