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[ee4j-build] Weekly Eclipse - Java EE Infra

Thank you for joining the meeting today.

Build team progress reports

GlassFish, little to no progress this week due to vacations. GlassFish builds are still stalled due to infra. related issues (e.g. SSL access).

Anand reported issues with repositories being recreated to re-set bugs/issues. Write permissions were not restored. File issue and have Eclipse team restore permissions.  We hope this is will not be needed for subsequent project contributions now that issue migration tool is completed.

Yamini reported issues setting up FindBugs plug-in. Eclipse process is to file a bug-zilla issue and request that Eclipse Admin install the plugin. (will be same for all future requests.) Dmitry reported that FindBugs is discontinued and/or moved. We should continue to use this, as is, for contribution efforts. Migrating to a newer static analysis tool could be taken up by the Eclipse EE4J community if desired.

Dmitry reported some inconsistencies with test results. On occasion, systems seem to be very busy and/or bogged down. This can result in very low success/pass rate. Some discussion about resources. Mikaël reported that there is some ongoing resource systems improvement. Will discuss with Denis. Recommend we create an issue to track these results and the ensuing discussions/actions. We will monitor this, on our weekly calls. [Last week we also raised an issue with the DB server experiencing response issues and timing out.]

Dmitry has submitted issues to move EclipseLink and Yasson projects into Eclipse-EE4J GitHub organization. Mikaël reported that this will be done soon.

Due to vacations/absences, there was no update regarding last week's request / discussion to move JSONP. Will report progress on this next week.

-- End of notes --

Organizer: Ed J Bratt
Weekly coordination for Infrastructure development
Agenda e-mailed weekly
Zoom Details
Conference ID: 327-448-7218
Optional telephone numbers:+1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 US Toll
International numbers available:

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