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[ee4j-build] EE4J Build / Infra discussion Jan. 17, 2018


Meeting notes from today, are below. Please respond to correct any errors, omissions, or additional addenda. Thank you for joining.

-- Ed

All "batch one" repositories are created at ee4j-eclipse GitHub organization (link). Dmitry reports that the PMC has not yet determined/agreed how to accept non-critical bug-fixes (branch, master, or at all) prior to achievement of our initial compliance milestone (EE4J GlassFish and all components pass their respective TCK). For now we should not allow any non-bug-fix commits. Once there is an agreed interim proposal, other work may be allowed to proceed, but watch for further details.

JSON P -- Trial build is in progress. Tomas K has created some trial jobs on Eclipse Jenkins, Should be able to finish the initial testing this coming week. Tomas Kraus will try with Eclipse tools.  Will finish initial testing this week.

GlassFish -- Docker instance created tomorrow will start first actual trials this week. Load is based on activity form contributors. Will take awhile when all tests are being run. Removing all external test dependencies so docker instances may run independently. Will initially trial a small number of test jobs, then will progressively increase the load until all test suites are run. Asked where we might impact other jobs -- Frederic indicated that the slaves are separated however the Jenkins Master could bog down others. We will want to watch the generated load when these trials are underway. GlassFish build is likely to be one of the more significant load generators. Jersey may also be a significant load.

Yamini reported that JMS sources are approved for commit. Yamini will check them in first thing IDC time tomorrow. GenericJMSRA and OpenMQ are submitted for IP clearance, but not yet approved.  jms-api project has been committed to GitHub)

We had a brief discussion about JAR signing. Dmitry has done this with Yasson - Frederic indicated that the process has not been changed in over a year so our experience with Yasson will continue to benefit progress.

Frederic -- Provided answers to last weeks questions: (1) How to get approval for proprietary tools, if needed; (2) Request for an additional slave node in the Dash CI instance; (3) Details about how to properly publish and sign artifacts for Maven (See below for (1) and (3)

Details for second test instance for Jenkins testing may be found at (

Details from Frederic regarding publishing to Maven and Package signing
As requested, here are some links about signing and deploying to Maven Central:

Use this alias (ee4j-build@xxxxxxxxxxx, or you may reach out to Frederic directly, if you have questions)

Details about clearance for build and/or test tools at Eclipse

All distributed third party content must be approved by the IP Team by way of an IPzilla CQ[1]. Perhaps they are not aware of the Eclipse Policy and Procedure for 3rd Party Dependencies[2]. Assuming the project has no intent to include compiler software in a repository or a download, then it can be part of their Build and Test Dependency Requirements[3].


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