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[ee4j-build] GlassFish build CI pipeline and infra planning

I'd like to set up the next EE4J build discussion.

We have circulated a slide deck, which describes the current GlassFish CI Pipeline[1]. Eclipse build team have started a services environment document [EE4J Project Migration to CBI (Google Doc)].

We need to start trying to get, at least the outline about what will be needed, to re-host the build and test infrastructure at Eclipse Foundation, as well as start identifying gaps and potential problems.

Our first choice is 8 AM PST Wed. Dec. 6th; Second choice is 8 AM PST Monday Dec. 4th.

Can Eclipse foundation representatives (Denis Roy at least) make either of these? If both, our preference is Wed.


-- Ed

[1] See e-mail from Jignesh Bhodia, Nov. 15.

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