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eclipselink-users Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [eclipselink-users] MySql problem with ReadAllQuery and pagination, (continued)
  • [eclipselink-users] Embeddables and inheritance, Laird Nelson
  • [eclipselink-users] Duration of a simple object query, Holger Rieß
  • [eclipselink-users] New instances and resolving mappings, Clogs
  • Re: [eclipselink-users] eclipselink+postgresql+stored procedure, James Sutherland
  • Re: [eclipselink-users] Subqueries in JPA is not working with OpenJPA, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-users] Removed entity can still be found by other entity manager instances, patric
  • Re: [eclipselink-users] createEntityManager(properties) throws NullPointerException after successfull connection and login, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-users] UpdateAllQuery and Persist executed in wrong order!, ossaert
  • [eclipselink-users] OneToOne relation with PrimaryKeyJoinColumn: no writing?, Andrei Shakirin
  • [eclipselink-users] How to archive Full EclipseLink Transaction Isolation (for RESOURCE_LOCAL transactions), patric
  • [eclipselink-users] [MOXy] XML Schema 1.1, polly.c.chang
  • [eclipselink-users] unnecessary join made in case of Many<-->Many relation, Samba
  • [eclipselink-users] Ids not being used, cl333r
  • [eclipselink-users] DB-based cascade delete question, Joselito D. Moreno
  • [eclipselink-users] Expected merge behavior in lazy collection field with CascadeType.MERGE, PERSIST?, Laird Nelson
  • [eclipselink-users] @ManyToMany and @PrivateOwned, khaskett
  • [eclipselink-users] cache report queries, Jan Kriesten
  • [eclipselink-users] @OneToOne and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn do not fetch the object on H2/HSQL database, Philipp Kursawe
  • [eclipselink-users] Any problem with the Maven repository ?, Antonio Goncalves
  • [eclipselink-users] Named Native Query is not producing LIMIT based queries with setMaxResults, Tim Hollosy
  • [eclipselink-users] customize OneToMany Mapping, Robert Wimmer
  • [eclipselink-users] ManyToOne, Composite key problem, Fırat KÜÇÜK
  • [eclipselink-users] Customizing @ManyToOne?, Laird Nelson
  • [eclipselink-users] value for SAP Netweaver, Zarar Siddiqi
  • [eclipselink-users] NullPointerException for ManyToOne in generic Embeddable, jml83

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