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[eclipselink-users] Fwd: Re: Eclipse jar code signing question

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Subject: Re: Eclipse jar code signing question
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:12:44 -0500
From: Mike Milinkovich <mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx
Organization: Eclipse Foundation
To: Tom Decsi <tom.decsi@xxxxxxxx>, "license@xxxxxxxxxxx" <license@xxxxxxxxxxx>, eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

On 21/11/2013 5:27 AM, Tom Decsi wrote:

Recently I started working as a java consultant for ASML, where I’ve been assigned to web start (jnlp) application.

It came to my understanding that Oracle planned a JRE v 7 update 45 release for 14/01/2014.

Therefore I need to update all jar manifest entries and sign the jar libraries used by this application. However, we use an eclipse library in our applications which is already signed. (org.eclipse.persistence.moxy-2.4.0.jar) but in order to comply with the j7u45 security policies, we need to sign all jars in a single jnlp with the same signature so hence my question ;

Am I allowed to unsign this jar and resign it with our own certificate? I can’t seem to find anything about this topic in the Eclipse Public License, under which this jar is distributed.

Could you point me to a legal notice with more information about this topic? Surely I am not the only one facing this issue …


The conversation on this issue is happening on bug 416870[1] Could I please ask that you restate your question there? I think it would be good for the discussion there to have the viewpoint of someone who is actually dealing with the issue.

I've also cc'd the eclipselink-users list, as the development team there is responsible for the moxy component.

As for re-signing the JAR, I think that's okay, but I will double-check and get back to you.


Mike Milinkovich

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