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[eclipselink-users] NullPointerException in sequence of persistent property mutations

Hello; this is a strange one.

I have two classes that implement Organization.  One is for our green-field system, and one is a snarling beast that maps our legacy system tables and logic into the Organization contract.


Organization <--implements-- OrganizationEntity 
Organization <--implements-- OldOrganizationEntity

I have two EntityManagers in flight.  One (greenEm) is hooked up to our green-field app, and the other (oldEm) is hooked up to our legacy app.

OrganizationEntity is in greenEm's persistence unit.

OldOrganizationEntity is in oldEm's persistence unit.

I then have another entity (a PostalAddress implementation) that refers to an Organization.  It is in oldEm's persistence unit.

At the time that I go to save a PostalAddress, for various reasons it might be referring to an OrganizationEntity.  That turns out to be bad from the standpoint of oldEm, because even though OrganizationEntity is by definition not a managed object (as far as oldEm is concerned), EclipseLink will puke if I try to persist my PostalAddress entity.  This is even though EclipseLink shouldn't? I don't think? be traversing these relationships (I use CascadeType.NONE).

To work around *this* bug (or at least the NullPointerException it fires off if it's not really a bug), just before persist time, I save off the old Organization reachable from the PostalAddress, and using black magic find the appropriate OldOrganizationEntity that corresponds to it.  I then set THAT guy on the PostalAddress.  Again, this shouldn't affect anything, really, as I'm not asking for the persist() operation to cascade, but I'm just trying to work around the NullPointerException

The net effect is that I now have a PostalAddress that no longer contains any entities that are unknown to oldEm.  I call persist(), which works fine, and then flush() (to retrieve a generated identifier from the legacy database), then detach() on my postal address, and then I set the original Organization back on the PostalAddress.  It's as though nothing has changed.

But oldEm pukes on that final woven set call with the following stack:

at org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.setNewValueInChangeRecord(
at org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.internalBuildChangeRecord(
at org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.updateChangeRecord(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AttributeChangeListener.internalPropertyChange(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AttributeChangeListener.propertyChange(
at // this is the line where I set the old organization back; just a regular old setter call

So in trying to work around one NullPointerException I'm encountering another.

Tall order, but does anyone have any idea how I can persist just the parent without triggering the cascade here (even though CascadeType.NONE is present)?


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