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Re: [eclipselink-users] PROGRESS: Sv: Re: Value of DiscriminatorValue not persisted

På tirsdag 20. august 2013 kl. 15:19:26, skrev Guy Pelletier <guy.pelletier@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Do you have any mappings to EmailPart in your object model? Any cascade settings?

Can you send the call stack up to the persist? And/or turn the logging to finest and send that info as well?
Yes, I have lots of mappings to the abstract EmailPart, both @OneToMany and @ManyToOne, as an EmailMessage can contain a list of artibrary parts, which again may have children, and parent).
I have 2 cascade-mappings:
One in EmailMessage, which refers to it's root-parts:
@OneToMany(cascade = Array(CascadeType.ALL), mappedBy = "message", orphanRemoval = true)
var rootPartList: JUList[EmailPart] = new JUArrayList[EmailPart]()

And one in EmailPart, which refers to it's children:

@OneToMany(cascade = Array(CascadeType.ALL), mappedBy = "parent", orphanRemoval = true)
var children: JUList[EmailPart] = new JUArrayList[EmailPart]()
I will send you the logg-output off-list, OK?
Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>      mob: +47 909 56 963
Senior Software Developer / CTO - OfficeNet AS -
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