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Re: [eclipselink-users] Updating EclipseLink to a newer version in existing GlassFish V3 installation

For org.eclipse.persistence.core.jar, pick:

Pick org.eclipse.persistence.core.2.4.0.v20120608-r11652.jar.

GlassFish simply truncates the version information from the jar name when it picks up the file. (i.e. any time you need to replace a jar, just look at the part of the filename before the version information shows up - in this case, the version information is: 2.4.0.v20120608-r11652 and it consists of the date of the build and a revision stamp from our SCM system.)

On 23/08/2012 4:20 AM, Bernard wrote:

How do I replace GlassFIsh 3.2.2 jars with EclipseLink jars?

I checked the article at

but the list of files in the OSGI distribution in looks a bit different.

I don't understand which file(s) to choose for

Many thanks,

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