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Re: [eclipselink-users] need help urgently

We experienced the same issue for the opposite case - when trying to use
a newer version than what was installed with WebLogic - (10.3.4 in our
case) doesn't provide a nice way to do this other than a hack - you have
to add a PRE_CLASSPATH=/path/to/your/eclipselink.jar inside the script. Add that at the top and it should help but even
then, Tom is right - you should consider using a newer version as trying
to get support for out dated versions of anything is tricky.

The above should mean that any classes inside the eclipselink jar that
you set will take precedence over any same name classes in the built in
JAR. If the problem is the same as we were seeing, you get classloader
issues with the wrong version of the eclipselink classes that your code
is weaved/compiled against?

Kind Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tom Ware
Sent: 16 December 2011 14:51
To: eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-users] need help urgently

Why are you using EclipseLink 1.1.0?  That version is very old.  For the
most part, applications written for 1.1.0 should work with later
versions of EclipseLink with little or no change.

What problem are you seeing?

The following blog provides some advice about how to plug in a later
version of EclipseLink into WebLogic.  In theory, the same process
should work for plugging in earlier versions as well.  (but the optimal
solution is still to upgrade your EclipseLink version.)


On 16/12/2011 9:41 AM, sankarsan padhy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am deploying my ear file to the weblogic . My application 
> uses eclipselink 1.1.0 version and this is mentioned in my 
> persistent.xml file. But during deployment, weblogic is using 2.0 
> version of eclipselink and due to which my application is failing to
> Your kind and urgent help will be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Sankarsan
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