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Re: [eclipselink-users] To query an entity with filters on a OneToMany attribute gives a weird result

With Hibernate, it works by using "fetch join" in  the hql.
More precisely, I use "fetch join"  on alias. I know, it violates JPA spec.
But there are may be a respectful solution. I have done it as fast and
effective as i can.

I am working about another project for the moment. In next days, i will
give you more information about the SQL executed and if a cleaner hibernate
solution is possible.

Concerning your solution, i will try it too. I will give you feedback too.


             Tom Ware                                                  
             com>                                                        A
             Envoyé par :              eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx 
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             org                                                     Objet
                                       Re: [eclipselink-users] To query an
                                       entity with filters on a OneToMany
             09/12/2011 15:37          attribute gives a weird result  
             Veuillez répondre                                       
             EclipseLink User                                          

There is no explicit support for this in the JPA spec.  Is there an extra
annotation or query hint you have to provide to do this in hibernate?

I'm surprised Hibernate can do this with out running extra SQL.  What does
SQL output look like?

Although we do not have explicit support for this kind of query, you could
probably do something like this:

1. define an extra unmapped list on your object
2. When you run your query use our event mechanism to populate the list.
(depending on what data is comes back from your query, you may be able to
this without running extra SQL.


On 09/12/2011 6:21 AM, david.haccoun@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Tom,
> Thank you for your response.
> "o get a subset of the addresses, you should query for just addresses."
> You propose exactly the solution that i want to avoid : too many requests
> to retrieve data related between objects.
> "i.e. If you use that instance of Person later,
> how do you know what query was used to retrieve it and what parts of the
> addresses collection are properly populated"
> I don't agree. A service is called in a precise context. If I retrieve
> person with some of his addresses, it's because the client of my
> entiyService has this need. So, it would know what parts of the addresses
> collection are properly populated.
> For information, with Hibernate, this kind of fetch queries works well.
> The JPA specification says nothing to this subject ?
> Unité Droit et Service
> 01 55 45 60 45
> david.haccoun@xxxxxxx
>               Tom Ware
>               <tom.ware@oracle.
>               com>
>               Envoyé par :              eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>               eclipselink-users
>               -bounces@eclipse.
>               org
>                                         Re: [eclipselink-users] To query
>                                         entity with filters on a
>               06/12/2011 19:12          attribute gives a weird result
>               Veuillez répondre
>                       à
>               EclipseLink User
>                  Discussions
>               <eclipselink-user
>                s@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> In an Object-Relational world, retrieving a Person and only some of it's
> addresses does not really make sense.  If that kind of thing is allowed,
> you
> cannot trust the instance of Person you have found to represent the
> as it
> is represented in the database.  (i.e. If you use that instance of Person
> later,
> how do you know what query was used to retrieve it and what parts of the
> addresses collection are properly populated)
> To get a subset of the addresses, you should query for just addresses.
> select a From Person p join p.addresses a where......
> -Tom
> On 06/12/2011 12:36 PM, david.haccoun@xxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I use  EclipseLink for 9 months and so far no problem. Since I have the
>> need to query an entity with a OneToMany attribute, it's all the
> contrary.
>> It gives me a strange result.
>> I have simplified my entities until the maximum but the problem remains.
>> I will explain my need which is ultra simple :  I have two entities :
>> Person which has a bidirectional relation with Address.
>> Person has potentially several Addresses but an Address belongs to one
> and
>> only Person.
>> In Classes, it gives that :
>> @Entity
>> public class Person implements Serializable {
>>       @Id
>>       private Long id;
>>       @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
>>       private Set<Address>   addresses;
>> // Getter and setter
>> ...
>> }
>> @Entity
>> public class Address implements Serializable {
>>        @Id
>>       private String idAddress;
>>       @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
>>       @JoinColumn(name = "idPerson", referencedColumnName = "idPerson")
>>       private Person person;
>> // Getter and setter
>> ...
>> }
>> I want to query personne with their adresses. All that with some
> conditions
>> on personne and adresse.
>> My simplified query  "select pers FROM Person pers join pers.addresses
>> address
>>                        where pers.matricule=:matricule  and
>> When i execute it, i retrieve the right person but with all addresses
>> linked (with foreign key) with this person. Even the addresses which
> don't
>> match with the dateContract condition.
>> It seems that it's a problem related to the use of filtering on a
> oneToMany
>> attribute in my query. The problem is solved if i do several requests
>> it will give low performances as I have several requests like this.
>> I have tried with the oneToMany in eager initialization and with a
>> fetch-join query hint but i have got the same result.
>> Thank you for having read me :)
>> PS : I have written the code manually, so a little typo is not
>> David
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