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Re: [eclipselink-users] JVM properties vs persistence.xml


                Good question, yes, in addition to deployment-time you can also change the logging level at runtime and do other things like clear the cache – dynamically for a specific container managed persistence context running in an EE server like WebLogic for example.

                Use JConsole, JRMC or any other JMX spec compliant MBean browser client to obtain a reference to the methods and properties of the EclipseLink services MBean named “TopLink_[session-name]”.

                You can refer to the design document on exposing the MBean that I was involved with.  It contains all necessary references, screen captures and documentation links.


                You will be running the following method via the JMX API client.

*  public synchronized void setCurrentEclipseLogLevel(String newLevel)



                Your customers, once they have enabled access to the MBeans can then run or view any of the properties listed in the design document

                Thank you

                /F. Michael O’Brien


From: eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nathan Drew
Sent: December 2, 2011 12:26
To: eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [eclipselink-users] JVM properties vs persistence.xml




Having gone through the process of needing to vary the logging levels for EclipseLink, and thinking of the case when we might have to support a customer using our application and want to get more debug information from them without rebuilding our application from scratch… shouldn’t the JVM property for eclipselink.logging.level override the value set in persistence.xml?


That’s the general model in most JEE things - configure in the app, then allow the "deployer" to override values.


Was this the case for Toplink Essentials?


Kind Regards



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