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Re: [eclipselink-users] Enable eclipse-link dynamic weaving in an Eclipse RCP application


sorry for disturbing your thread

Michael O'Brien wrote:
> In a non-OSGI (regular PDE) project, you set the
> weaving/instrumentation agent in one of at least 3 ways 
> 1) include the aggregated eclipselink.jar (it contains the services
> directory) 
> 2) include the resources folder of the JPA subproject <classpathentry 
kind="lib" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa/resource" />
> 3) include the services/javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider file in
> your META-INF where your persistence.xml lives - set it to
> "org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider"
> 	This is all PDE related - so may not help in this OSGI case.

Is this true for eclipse 3.7 ?
If so, could you please guide me too?

I debugged down the creation of EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager from a 
PDE-plugin and from what I saw, the plugins classloader does not even try to 
look into a library. 
If I got it right, this is explicitly disabled by resetting the plugins 
classloader internally.
Or is there a major difference between adding a library and adding a dependency 
to another plugin?

So how do I have to add the eclipselink.jar to a plugin, that all service 
loading succeeds?

kind regards


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