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Re: [eclipselink-users] Problem after import of existing plugin projects

This exception is a bit strange. It appears to be thrown by ResourceBundle.getBundle class if the classloader passed in is null.

In this case, we are passing in the classloader for an EclipseLink class:


That class is in the org.eclipse.persistence.core bundle.

Are you running in OSGi?  Jave SE?  Jave EE?

Are you using an Application managed persistence unit?  A JTA one?

How is your password set?


On 03/11/2011 10:21 AM, Geronimo M. Hernandez wrote:

thank you for your attention.

Can you send the full stack trace?  The exception you are seeing should have
a "caused by".

Hm - the console shows nothing more, only junit view shows 'caused by'.
As 'copy trace' from junit-view does not copy the lines showing, but the same
stacktrace as already sent from console, I have to send you a screenshot.

kind regards


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